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Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

Cara Membuat Snow Golem Dan Iron Golem Di Minecraft

  Snow golem adalah makhluk baik yang bisa menyerang mob.dia menyerang mob dengan menembaki snowball.tetapi snow golem lemah saat pertarungan.snow golem bisa mati di hutan,di laut,di padang pasir dan pada saat hujan.setiap snow golem jalan akan keluar snow di grass block tertentu.jika terbunuh mengeluarkan snowball.cara membuat snow golem adalah tumpukan 2 snowblock dan tumpuk pumpkin di paling atas.

   iron golem adalah makhluk baik yang bisa menyerang mob.iron golem sangat kuat dan serengannya juga kuat jika bertemu villager kadang-kadang dia bisa memegang bunga rose jika terbunuh mengeluarkan iron inggot dan rose cara membuat iron golem adalah menaruh iron block dan menaruh 3 block berjejeran dan menaruh pumpkin di paling atas.Dan kita pun aslinya bisa membuat iron golem spawner tetapi susah sekali dan disebut iron golem farm

Resep Crafting Minecraft

Resep Crafting Minecraft

Nah skrng saya akan berbagi resep membuat barang di Mincecraft 

Jika agan bermain minecraft tapi tidak tau resep craftingnya saya sediakan
Selamat bermain , Semoga ini bermanfaat 

NameIngredientsInput > Output
Wooden PlanksWood (regular, birch or pine)Crafting Wood Planks from Wood
Can be used as a building material, but is usually used for a wide variety of crafting recipes.
SticksWooden PlanksCrafting Sticks from Wood
Used as handles for tools and weapons as well as for ladders, signs, torches and fences.
TorchesStick and CoalCrafting Torches from Stick and Coal
Torches create light. They also have the ability to melt ice and snow.
Crafting TableWooden PlanksCrafting Workbench from Wood
When placed on the ground, it provides use of the 3×3 crafting grid.
FurnaceCobblestoneCrafting Furnace from Cobblestone
Provides the ability to smelt.
ChestWooden PlanksCrafting Chest from Wood
Similar to your inventory. Holds 27 stacks of items or blocks.

Basic Recipes

Block Recipes

NameIngredientsInput > Output
Ore BlocksGold Ingots, Iron Ingots, Diamonds and Lapis Lazuli DyeCrafting Ore Blocs from Ingots
Turn ingots or diamonds into a placeable block. Can be used for storage or to show off.
Emerald BlockEmeraldCrafting Emerald Block
Turn ingots or diamonds into a placeable block. Can be used for storage or to show off.
Glowstone BlockGlowstone DustCrafting Glowstone
Glowstone gives off more light than a torch and will melt nearby snow and ice. Breaking a brimstone block will 2-4 Glowstone Dust back.
Redstone LampRedstone & Glowstone BlockCrafting Redstone Lamp
Light source when powered by redstone.
TNT BlockGunpowder and SandCrafting TNT from Sulphur and Sand
Causes an explosion and breaks apart blocks near it.
WoolStringCrafting Wool from String
Used as a building material and can be colored with dyes. This recipe is not efficient because Wool can be easily obtained from Sheep.
Clay BlockClayCrafting Clay Block from Clay
Store of clay and building material.
Brick BlockClay BricksCrafting Brick from Clay Bricks
Strong bulding material.
Stone BrickStoneCrafting Stone Brick from Stone
Used as a building material.
Snow BlockSnowballsCrafting Snow Block from Snowballs
Used as a building material or snowball storage.
BookshelfWooden Planks and BooksCrafting Bookshelf from Wood and Books
Used as decoration.
Sandstone BlockSandCrafting Sandstone from Sand
Used as a building block.
Smooth SandstoneSandstone BlockCrafting Smooth sandstone
Used as a building block.
Decorative SandstoneSandstone SlabsCrafting Sandstone Slabs
Building material.
Wooden SlabsWooden PlanksCrafting Steps from Wooden Planks
Used to create gradual slopes.
Stone SlabsStone or Sandstone or Stone Brick or Brick or CobblestoneCrafting Steps from Cobblestone
Used to create gradual slopes.
StairsWooden Planks or CobblestoneCrafting Stairs from Wood or Cobblestone
Stairs take up less space than steps.
Jack-O-LanternPumpkin and TorchCrafting Jack-O-Lantern
Acts as a torch, but emits more light. Can stay lit underwater.

Tool Recipes

NameIngredientsInput > Output
PickaxesSticks and Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamond Gems.Crafting Pickaxes from Several Resources
Makes mining stone-type blocks faster.
ShovelsSticks and Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamond Gems.Crafting Shovels from Several Resources
Makes digging dirt, snow, gravel, sand and grass faster.
HoesSticks and Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamond Gems.Crafting Hoes from Several Resources
Used on grass and dirt to acquire seeds or prepare for farming crops.
AxesSticks and Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamond GemsCrafting Axes from Several Resources
Makes chopping wood-type blocks faster.
BucketIron IngotsCrafting Bucket from Iron Ingots
Can hold lava, water or milk.
Flint and SteelIron Ingot and FlintCrafting Flint and Steel
Used to set fire to things.
Fishing RodSticks and StringCrafting Fishing Rod from Sticks and String
Used to catch fish.
CompassIron Ingots and Redstone DustCrafting Compass from Iron Ingots and Redstone Dust
Always points to your spawn point.
MapPaper and CompassCrafting Map
Creates an image of explored parts of the world.
ClockGold Ingots and CompassCrafting Watch from Gold and Redstone Dust
Tells the time of day.
ShearsIron IngotsCrafting Shears with Iron Ingot
Used to collect leaves, tall grass, vines as well as wool from sheep. Breaks Wool faster than by hand.

Weapon Recipes

NameIngredientsInput > Output
SwordsStick and either Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Iron or Gold or DiamondsCrafting Sword from Stick and Other Resources 
Kills mobs faster than using your hands.
BowSticks and StringCrafting Bow from Sticks and String 
Allows for distance attacks using arrows.
ArrowsFlint and Feather and StickCrafting Arrows from Flint, Feather and Stick 
Shot at mobs using a bow.

Armor Recipes

NameIngredientsInput > Output
Helmets5 of either Leather or Gold or Iron or Diamond or Fire*Crafting Helmets from Several Resources 
Helmets provide 1.5 base armor points.
Chestplates8 of either Leather or Gold or Iron or Diamond or Fire*Crafting Chestplates from Several Resources 
Chestplates provide 4 base armor points.
Leggings7 of either Leather or Gold or Iron or Diamond or Fire*Crafting Leggings from Several Resources 
Leggings provide 3 base armor points.
Boots4 of either Leather or Gold or Iron or Diamond or Fire*Crafting Boots from Several Resources 
Boots provide 1.5 base armor points.
*Chainmail armor can also be crafted using fire blocks. However, this can only be done by hacking Minecraft which is why the recipe isn’t shown.

Transportation Recipes

NameIngredientsInput > Output
RailsStick and Iron IngotsCrafting Rails from Stick and Iron 
Used to provide a route for minecarts.
Powered RailsStick and Gold Ingots and Redstone DustPowered Rail 
Used to speed up or slow down Minecarts.
Detector RailsStone Pressure Plate and 6 Iron Ingots and Redstone DustDetector Rail
Works like a pressure plate but can only be activated by a Minecart.
MinecartIron IngotsCrafting Minecart 
Used for transporting players or mobs along minetracks.
Powered MinecartFurnace and MinecartCrafting Powered Minecart 
Pushes other minecarts along tracks. Powered by fuel.
Storage MinecartChest and MinecartCrafting Storage Minecart from Minecart and Chest 
Used to transport resources on minetracks.
BoatWooden PlanksCrafting Boat from Wood 
Enables you to travel in water faster than swimming.

Mechanism Recipes

NameIngredientsInput > Output
Redstone TorchRedstone Dust and StickMinecraft Crafting Redstone Torch 
Sends a constant electric signal. Also emits small amount of light.
LeverCobblestone and StickCrafting Lever from Cobblestone and Stick 
Sends an electrical signal when in the “on” position. Stays in its current state unless it is clicked.
Pressure PlatesStone or Wooden PlanksCrafting Pressure Plates from Wooden Planks or Stone 
Sends an electrical charge when a player or mob walks on it. Wooden Pressure Plates are also be activated when something is dropped on them.
Trapdoors (Hatch)Wooden PlanksCrafting Trapdoor with 6 Wooden Planks
Functions as a horizontal door over a single block hole. Can be activated by right-clicking it or with redstone wire.
DoorsWooden Planks or Iron IngotsMinecraft Crafting Doors
Wooden Doors can be activated by right-clicking on them or by sending them an electrical signal. Iron Doors can only be activated by an electrical signal.
Stone ButtonStoneCrafting Stone Button
Sends an electrical signal when pressed. Charge lasts for approximately one second.
JukeboxWooden Planks and DiamondCrafting Jukebox from Wood and Diamond
Plays records.
Note BlockWooden Planks and Redstone DustCrafting Note Block from Wood and Redstone Dust
Plays a note when used. Right click it to change the pitch of the note. A different instrument is played depending on the type of block it is placed on.
DispenserCobblestone and Bow and Redstone DustCrafting Dispenser from bow, cobblestone and redstone dust 
Dispensers can store 9 stacks of items or blocks in a 3×3 grid. When powered by Redstone Dust, it ejects the items in random order. Snowballs, eggs and arrows are fired out as projectiles.
Redstone RepeaterStone and Redstone Dust and Redstone TorchesCrafting Redstone Repeater from Stone, Redstone Dust and Redstone Torches 
Used in redstone circuits as a diode, a repeater or a delayer.
PistonWooden Planks, Cobblestone, Iron Ingot, Redstone DustCrafting Piston with Cobblestone, Iron and Redstone
Pushes blocks and objects 1 space.
Sticky PistonPiston and SlimeballCrafting Sticky Piston with Slimeball
Pushes and pulls blocks and objects 1 space. Pulls the block it is touching when retracted.
Tripwire HookIron Ingot & Stick & Wooden PlankCrafting Tripwire Hook
Used to create a tripwire that activates a redstone signal.

Food Recipes

NameIngredientsInput > Output
BreadWheatMinecraft Crafting Bread
Restores 2.5 hunger points.
Mushroom StewRed Mushroom and Brown Mushroom and BowlMinecraft Crafting Mushroom Stew
Restores 4 hunger points.
BowlsWooden PlanksMinecraft Crafting Bowls
Holds mushroom stew. Bowls can be reused.
Golden AppleApple & Gold NuggetsMinecraft Crafting Golden Apple
Restores 2 hunger points.
Enchanted Golden AppleApple & Gold BlocksMinecraft Crafting Golden Apple
Restores 2 hunger points. Also gives resistance and fire resistance for 30 seconds.
SugarSugar CaneCrafting Sugar from Sugar Cane 
Used to make cake.
CakeMilk, Sugar, Wheat and an EggCrafting Cake from Milk, Sugar, Wheat and Egg
Heals 1.5 hunger points per use for a total of 6 uses.
Melon BlockMelon SlicesCrafting Melon
Method for storing melon slices.
Melon SeedsMelon SliceCrafting Melon Seeds
Plantable on farmland. Will produce one Melon Block each harvest.
CookieWheat and Cocoa BeansCrafting Cookie
Restores 1 hunger point.
Pumpkin SeedsPumpkinCrafting Pumpkin Seeds
Can be planted on farmland.
Pumpkin PiePumpkin & Egg & SugarCrafting Pumpkin Pie
Restores 4 hunger points.
Golden CarrotCarrot & Gold NuggetsCrafting Golden Carrot
Used as a brewing ingredient and restores 3 hunger points. 

Miscellaneous Recipes

NameIngredientsInput > Output
PaperSugar CaneMinecraft Crafting Paper 
Used to create maps and books.
FencesSticksMinecraft Crafting Fence 
Used as a barrier that players and mobs cannot jump over, with the exception of spiders and spider jockeys. It is 1½ blocks high for mobs and players, but only 1 to other blocks.
Iron BarsIron IngotsHow to craft Iron Bars 
Similar to fences, but are only counted as 1 block high instead of 1.5 blocks.
Cobblestone WallCobblestone or Moss StoneHow to craft Cobblestone Wall 
Decorative block that acts in a similar way to fences.
LadderSticksMinecraft Crafting Ladder 
Used to climb straight up.
BookPaper & LeatherMinecraft Crafting Book 
Used to create bookshelfs and book & quills.
Book and QuillBook & Feather & Ink SacMinecraft Crafting Book and Quill 
Can be written in and edited.
SignWooden Planks & SticksMinecraft Crafting Sign
Displays four lines of editable text entered by the player.
MineralsIron, Diamond, Gold or Lapis Lazuli BlocksCrafting Minerals from Ore Blocks 
Separates a block into individual gems/ingots.
PaintingSticks and ClothMinecraft Crafting Painting
Used for decorative purposes.
BedWool and Wooden PlanksCrafting Bed from Wool and Wooden Planks
Used to forward time to day during nights.
Fence GateSticks and Wooden PlanksHow to craft Fence Gate
Serves as a gate/door for a row of fencing. They are not affected by redstone and can only be opened by right-clicking.
Nether Brick FenceNether BrickHow to craft Nether Brick Fence
Used as a barrier that players and mobs cannot jump over, with the exception of spiders and spider jockeys. It is 1½ blocks high for mobs and players, but only 1 to other blocks.
Glass PaneGlassHow to craft Glass Pane
Panes of glass similar to fences.
Gold IngotGold NuggetsHow to craft Gold Ingot
Used to craft a number of other items.
Eye of EnderEnder Pearl and Blaze PowderHow to craft Eye of Ender
Used to locate Strongholds, and repair an End Portal Frame.
Fire ChargeBlaze Powder & Coal & GunpowderHow to craft Fire Charge
Creates fire and can be shot out of dispensers.
Ender ChestObsidian & Eye of EnderHow to craft Ender Chest
Used for storage. All Ender Chests in a world access the same storage.
BeaconGlass & Obsidian & Nether StarHow to craft Beacont
Emits light beam and provides temporary player buffs when placed on a pyramid made of emerald, diamond, gold or iron blocks.
AnvilIron Block & Iron IngotHow to craft Anvil
Used to repair items and combine enchantments.
Flower PotBricksHow to craft Flower Pot
Item FrameSticks & LeatherHow to craft Item Frame
Used to display items and blocks on walls.
Carrot on a StickFishing Rod & CarrotHow to craft Carrot on a Stick
Can be used to control saddled pigs.
Firework RocketGunpowder, paper & Firework StarHow to craft a Firework Rocket
Fireworks that can be launched into the sky and explode. The more gunpowder added the higher the rocket will fly.
Firework StarGunpowder, dye & an extra ingredient (optional)How to craft Firework Star
The dye determines the colour of the firework, and the extra ingredient determines a special effect.

Dye Recipes

NameIngredientsInput > Output
Rose Red DyeRoseCrafting Rose Red Dye from Rose
Used to dye wool red.
Orange DyeRose Red Dye and Dandelion Yellow DyeCrafting Orange Dye from Rose Red and Dandelion Yellow 
Used to dye wool orange.
Dandelion Yellow DyeDandelionCrafting Dandelion Yellow Dye from Dandelion 
Used to dye wool yellow.
Lime DyeCactus Green and BonemealCrafting Lime Dye from Bonemeal and Cactus Green 
Used to dye wool green.
Light Blue DyeLapis Lazuli and BonemealCrafting Light Blue Dye from Lapis Lazuli and Bonemeal
Used to dye wool light blue.
Cyan DyeLapis Lazuli and Cactus GreenCrafting Cyan Dye from Lapis Lazuli and Cactus Green 
Used to dye wool cyan.
Pink DyeRose Red and BonemealCrafting Pink Dye from Rose Red and Bonemeal 
Used to dye wool pink.
Magenta DyePurple Dye and Pink DyeCrafting Magneta Dye from Pink and Purple Dye 
Used to dye wool magenta.
Purple DyeRose Red and Lapis LazuliCrafting Purple Dye from Lapis Lazuli and Rose Red 
Used to dye wool purple.
Light Gray DyeInk Sack and 2 Bone MealCrafting Light Gray Dye from Ink Sack and Bone Meal
Crafting Light Grey Dye 2 

Used to dye wool light gray. Can be made using an ink sac and two bonemeal or gray dye and bonemeal. Combining gray dye with bonemeal is better because you make 4 light gray dye from every ink sac (instead of 3).
Gray DyeInk Sack and Bone MealCrafting Gray Dye from Ink Sack and Bone Meal 
Used to dye wool Gray.
Bone Meal (White Dye)BoneCrafting Bone Meal from Bone
Used to dye wool white. (original colour) Can also be used as fertilizer to grow crops instantly.

Wool Recipes

NameIngredientsInput > Output
Red WoolWool and Rose RedCrafting Red Wool from Rose Red and Wool 
Used as decoration.
Green WoolWool and Cactus GreenCrafting Green Wool from Cactus Green and Wool
Used as decoration.
Brown WoolWool and Cocoa BeanCrafting Brown Wool from Wool and Cocoa Bean 
Used as decoration. Currently not available.
Orange WoolWool and Orange DyeCrafting Orange Wool from Wool and Orange Dye
Used as decoration.
Yellow WoolWool and Dandelion YellowCrafting Yellow Wool from Dandelion Yellow and Wool
Used as decoration.
Light Blue WoolWool and Light Blue DyeCrafting Light Blue Wool from Wool and Light Blue Dye
Used as decoration.
Cyan WoolWool and Cyan DyeCrafting Cyan Wool from Wool and Cyan Dye
Used as decoration.
Blue WoolWool and Lapis LazuliCrafting Blue Wool from Wool and Lapis Lazuli 
Used as decoration.
Pink WoolWool and Pink DyeCrafting Pink Wool from Wool and Pink Dye 
Used as decoration.
Magenta WoolWool and Magenta DyeCrafting Magenta Wool from Wool and Magenta Dye 
Used as decoration.
Purple WoolWool and Purple DyeCrafting Purple Wool from Wool and Purple Dye 
Used as decoration.
Light Gray WoolWool and Light Gray DyeCrafting Light Gray Wool from Wool and Light Gray Dye 
Used as decoration.
Grey WoolWool and Grey DyeCrafting Grey Wool from Wool and Grey Dye 
Used as decoration.
Black WoolWool and Ink SackCrafting Black Wool from Ink Sack and Wool 
Used as decoration.

Enchantment and Brewing Recipes

NameIngredientsInput > Output
Glass BottleGlassCrafting Glass Bottle 
Used in Brewing.
CauldronIron IngotCrafting Cauldron 
Storage of water for Glass Bottles.
Brewing StandBlaze Rod and CobblestoneCrafting Brewing Stand
Used to Brew.
Blaze PowderBlaze RodCrafting Blaze Powder 
Used to craft an Eye of Ender and Magma Cream.
Magma CreamSlime Ball and Blaze PowderCrafting Magma Cream
Has fire-resistant properties. Used in potions.
Fermented Spider EyeSpider Eye, Brown Mushroom and SugarCrafting Fermented Spider Eye
All potions with Fermented Spider Eye have negative effects. Used in Potions.
Glistering MelonMelon Slice and Gold NuggetCrafting Glistering Melon
Used in Brewing to create health restoration Potions.
Gold NuggetGold IngotCrafting Gold Nugget
Used to craft Glistering Melon with Melon Slices.
Enchantment TableBook and Diamond and ObsidianCrafting Enchantment Table 
Used to Enchant Tools